Dare games are fun, but can be easily ditched for the “just pick a card and do what it says” approach. People who are compelled consult the official rules are not ideal candidates for these games.
Once your dare game arrives, review the cards to familiarize yourself. Are the rules worth learning and following? Is the tone of the game right for your crowd? Are there any cards that should be removed for safety or decorum? (Will someone in your crowd take the instruction to “give a guy a blow job” literally?) Do you want to add any dares? By going through the game cards ahead of time, you can head off trouble later.
Here’s what we thought of the games. We didn’t really rank them, since each one is just right for a slightly different crowd. However, one game stands out as particularly bad. Let’s start there.

Bachelorette Dares
Although this is a bar game, some of the 52 cards are meant to be used at a karaoke bar, strip joint, or adult novelty store. Most of those specialty cards are pretty lame, or don’t make a lot of sense. The bar cards are OK, just not very funny or clever. Some will get you followed by creeps for the rest of the night.
One card in particular is spectacularly strange. The card says, “Ask the bartender, ‘Can you make me a douche? I hear it’s refreshing.’” Wow. Where do you go from there? Probably out the door and into the street.
Other cards include:
- Order a drink with a lewd name such as a Horny Girl Scout.
- Get five guys’ phone numbers in case the groom gets cold feet.
- Ask a guy if you can tell his fortune. Examine his palm and say, “You are going to buy me a drink.” (That one’s not bad.)
Bachelorette Dares could be fun if the players add their own twists to the cards’ instructions.
- Get a married guy’s phone number.
- Ask a guy how “big” he is. (15 extra points if he shows you.)
- Flash your boobies to a group of guys.

Technically, this isn’t a bachelorette dare game, but it works so well for every occasion that it would be a shame to leave it out. It is a fun, hardcore drinking game that 2 to 9 people can play in any setting. One person is named the Drink Master, and what she says goes. The Drink Master interprets all rules and settles all disputes.
The rules seem a little complicated for a drinking game but they are easily mastered, adapted, or even completely ignored. The cards, creatively written, speak for themselves.
For example:
- Whenever anyone speaks they must end every sentence with “sport,” “champ” or “buddy.”
- Whenever a player talks, they must sing what they say.
- Players must use profanity every time they speak.
- After every drink, players should finish with a quote from a movie.
How do you know if you’ve won Drink Master Says? Ask yourself, am I drunk? If the answer is yes, you win!

Bachelorette Bar Challenge
This game certainly isn’t very original, but it does seem fun and easy to play. It encourages drinking but does not dare you to ask men to drag you out behind the trash cans.
Still there are some suggestive dares, such as:
- Locate a man who will give you a lap dance.
- Locate a man who will try on your bra.
- Locate a man who will talk dirty to you in a foreign language.
- Kiss someone you wouldn’t normally kiss sober.
Like with any of these games, the guests are really making their own fun. This one seems to get the ball rolling quite nicely.

Bachelorette Party Drinking Dice
This game dares you to drink excessively, which you can do at home or at the bar.
Players take turns rolling both dice, carrying out various actions and assigning drinks.
Here are the instructions on each die:
- Imitate
- To the left
- To the right
- Brunettes only
- Blondes only
- Toast
- 1 drink
- 2 drinks
- Roller’s choice
- Dirty dance
- Toast
- Impose a rule
This keeps the whole dare concept simple and easy to follow. Throw the dice, drink, laugh, talk. Repeat. Sounds like fun to us.
Check out some of the other games reviewed on this site. Click a category tab at the top of this page or continue to the Penis Pinatas.